These are some photos from the New Year's hike we did up Mount Feathertop in the Alpine National Park in Victoria. We got some really mixed weather which mixed things up a bit, two days of hiking in the rain with soggyness all the way through and then a painful climb in 32°C up the Diamantina Spur.
We parked up at Harrietville and headed down a pretty overgrown, lesser used track called the Bon Accord Spur and then had the fun and games of attempting to put up a tent in torrential rain. We woke up to thick fog blowing in and headed up to Mount Hotham where morale (mine at least) was a bit low. No photos and lots of hangryness. Getting out onto Machinery Spur the weather cleared and I could get the camera out again which cheered things up and we descended to Blair's Hut at the riverbed. In the morning we headed up the punishing Diamantina Spur to the Federation Hut campsite and it was beautiful and calm for the rest of the hike. Sunsets and sunrises shot are the last day of 2016 and the first day of 2017.
I managed to keep all the film dry too, all shot on some Sensia 100 that I was worried had been a bit cooked as I left it in my west facing hot bedroom but everything came out. Really pleased with the fine grain and the slightly 70's yellow tinge everything has. Much easier carrying the FM3A instead of lugged a 5D around.